

Optimizing Your Trucking Business

How to Choose the Right TMS


Just like any other company, we’ve faced the need to choose the right software to propel our operations forward. We understand the intricacies of this decision-making process and the impact it can have on your business. To assist you on this journey, we’ve compiled a comprehensive checklist of questions to ask potential TMS providers to avoid making costly mistakes.

And here is an overview why choosing the right TMS will have your business thriving in a matter of months:

Optimized Operations: A TMS is the compass that guides your fleet through the intricate web of logistics. It optimizes routes, manages resources efficiently, and ensures that your operations run seamlessly.

Enhanced Visibility: Gain real-time visibility into your supply chain. A TMS empowers you with insights into shipments, allowing for proactive decision-making and improved customer satisfaction.

Integrated Communication: Facilitate seamless communication within your team and with external partners. Collaboration is key, and a TMS enhances connectivity, fostering a more responsive and agile organization.

Data-Driven Decision Making: Harness the power of data analytics. A robust TMS provides actionable insights, helping you make informed decisions that drive efficiency and positively impact your bottom line.

Scalability and Adaptability: Your business evolves, and so should your tools. A TMS is designed to scale with your operations, offering the adaptability needed to meet the challenges of a growing enterprise.,


Practical Problem Solving

If a specific problem was mentioned in the initial call, request a demonstration to see how the software addresses that issue

Integration Showcase

Request a demonstration of how integrations with your existing software, such as accounting and ELD, are facilitated.

Communication and Collaboration Features

Inquire about how the software enhances communication and collaboration between your team, customers, and partners.

Major Features

Create a matrix to comprehensively examine the system’s features and ensure coverage of all initial requirements. Additionally, assess if there are any extra charges associated with additional features.

Data Transfer Process

If you currently use Excel or another software, seek information on the data transfer process to ensure a smooth transition.

Reporting and Analytics

Check for reporting and analytics capabilities to gain insights into your business performance.

Security Measures

Ask about the software’s security protocols and how they safeguard your data.

Customer Support

Inquire about the availability of phone and email support and the location of their support team.

Onboarding and Implementation

Learn about the onboarding and implementation process, including the average time required for onboarding.

Pricing Structure & Cost Effectiveness

Obtain clarity on the software’s pricing structure to align it with your budget and business requirements.

EasyWay is a simple and easy-to-use solution created by truck drivers for truck drivers. It considers the everyday tasks and challenges of drivers, dispatchers, accountants, safety managers, owners, and everyone else involved in running this “big machine” called business.